


The Grand Economic Circle of Indigenous Peoples and Quebec (GECIPQ) is a vast movement in which the business community and the municipal sector are invited to make commitments to foster greater inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in the Quebec economy.

The movement, which was launched in 2021, is now moving from region to region in the form of regional economic circles. By bringing about real change for Indigenous Peoples, this historic movement will help pave the way for reconciliation and for Indigenous Peoples to regain their place in the regional and provincial economy.

Themes at the heart of the Grand Economic Circle

Different themes are visited to address the central theme of economic reconciliation, which is at the heart of the Grand Economic Circle movement.

  • Employment and training
  • Economic development and entrepreneurship
  • Procurement
  • Indigenous tourism
  • Housing

The GECIPQ movement stems from an initiative of the Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL), Mr. Ghislain Picard, who wanted to organize a meeting of provincial scope where the inclusion of First Nations in the Quebec economy would be at the centre of the discussions and whose spin-offs would contribute to promoting the socioeconomic development of the First Nations for years to come.

Fifteen years after the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum was held in Mashteuiatsh in 2006, the post-pandemic economic recovery and the reconciliation movement of recent years in the public space created a favourable momentum for the increased participation of Indigenous Peoples in the Quebec economy.

It is in this context and with a view to strengthening relations between Indigenous Peoples and Quebec that a first event of provincial scope was organized in Montreal on November 25 and 26, 2021 with the objective of giving impetus to the socioeconomic development of First Nations.

Beyond a single event, the movement seeks to generate involvement that will extend beyond mere words and translate into real action by businesses, the municipal sector, and political authorities. The movement will move to the different regions and economic centres in Quebec and will aim to:

  • Create a context that is conducive to the involvement of the various players in the Quebec business community;
  • Enable the development of significant partnerships in economic development, tourism, employment and training, supply, housing, entrepreneurship and major territorial projects;
  • Generate concrete benefits that are conducive to the realization of the socioeconomic ambitions of Indigenous Peoples as set out in the Vision for the Future.
The GECIPQ movement is coordinated by the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC) and supported by the AFNQL, the Quebec government and the Government of Canada.
Why get involved